Design Thinking: A Toolkit for Breakthrough Innovation

Create human-centered solutions for competitive advantage

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Course Dates


November 14, 2024

Course Duration


8 weeks, online
4-6 hours per week

Course Fee


US$2,600 US$2,210 and get US$260 off with a referral

Course Information Flexible payment available
Course Fee

For Your Team

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Develop Future-Ready Skills Today

Emeritus is collaborating with Kellogg Executive Education to help you build future-ready skills. Enroll before and get up to 15% tuition assistance to set yourself up for professional success.​

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program fee

US$2,600 US$2,210

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Who Is This Program For?

This program teaches a method of problem solving that will give any professional an advantage in their industry or career. It will be particularly beneficial for:

  • Product or service managers seeking an innovative, consumer-oriented strategy that minimizes the risk of bringing a new product to market by developing deep insights, rapid prototyping, and designing thoughtful experiments
  • Designers who want to address people's needs (both, stated and unstated) through creative thought processes and advance their careers with a hands-on certificate program
  • Consultants who want to offer clients far more differentiated and disruptive solutions using a step-by-step method of problem solving and integrated design thinking approaches
  • C-suite professionals, heads of business, and entrepreneurs who recognize that gaining an edge and increasing market share require re-imagining their businesses from the bottom up and wish to make design thinking an inherent philosophy in their organizations
  • Individuals or teams that are developing transformational business models and searching for new ways to bring offerings to the market with lower risk and strong customer focus

Ignite Innovation with a Design Thinking Mindset

Most of us are trained in the classical school of thought—we approach opportunities from the top down. But today’s competitive environment requires us to view opportunity through a different lens; a nontraditional one that focuses on human needs. Ideas that are born from the process of design thinking ensure that outcomes meet three criteria: they are desirable, feasible, and viable—and in doing so, these outcomes create an enduring competitive advantage.

It all starts with people.

Businesses that have fully integrated design thinking into their strategy attribute the benefits of doing so to their design team.


More than 60% of research participants believe that design is extremely important to customer satisfaction.

Source: Forrester


About half believe that design is extremely important to brand awareness.

Source: Forrester


More than 40% believe design is extremely important to competitive differentiation.

Source: Forrester

Key Takeaways

This program will equip you to unpack your assumptions about problem solving and will teach you to approach new opportunities with the human experience in mind. In this program, you will:

  • Learn to apply design thinking fundamentals to ensure that a solution is desirable from a human point of view and aligns with what is technologically feasible and economically viable
  • Develop an in-depth understanding of the full design process from inspiration to implementation and learn to transform an idea into an innovative product or service
  • Gain hands-on experience with key methods and tools including the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) framework for customer discovery, synthesis, ideation, prototyping, and storytelling to create and communicate offerings that address customer needs
  • Learn how design thinking is used to conceive innovative business models and forecast trends and developments
  • Discover how design thinking can nurture your individual creativity, help you overcome resistance to new ideas, and provide advantages such as reduced time-to-market, lower costs, and increased market share
  • Implement design thinking as a rigorous, human-centered approach to creative problem solving that can be leveraged across a spectrum of functions, industries, and organizations

Studio Sessions with David Schonthal

Participate in interactive studio sessions that will give you the opportunity to practice the design process and practice innovative techniques you can immediately put to use in your personal and professional life.

Program Experience

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A personalized field guide to reference in future design efforts

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Live, interactive studio sessions with award-winning faculty and practitioners

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Guest lectures from leaders in the world of design and innovation

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Hands-on activities and projects providing real-world application of techniques

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Collaborative opportunities with peers

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Industry examples from renowned brands

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A dedicated program support team

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Innovative frameworks with immediate applications

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Knowledge checks

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Breakthrough discussions

Program Modules

Over the course of eight weeks, participants will be guided through the foundational principles of design thinking and will see how professionals in any role can leverage design thinking to achieve innovative outcomes across a wide spectrum of industries.

Module 1:

Introduction to Design Thinking

Survey the fundamentals of design thinking and learn how they apply to solving business problems. You will also learn why design thinking offers a lasting competitive advantage.

Module 2:

The Power of Why

User and stakeholder input is vital to the design process. Learn how to leverage the JTBD method of interviewing to dig deeper into the functional, social, and emotional needs of people.

Module 3:

Translating Observations to Insights

Discover how to transform observations and insights into business opportunities through the process of synthesis. In addition, you will understand how reframing a question can lead to deeper insights and innovative solutions.

Module 4:

Reframing Opportunities and Generating Ideas

Generate ideas using insights captured during synthesis. You will have the opportunity to practice techniques such as group brainstorming, ideation, and insight analysis during the design process.

Module 5:

Making Ideas Real

Prototyping can serve as a powerful tool during the design process. Evaluate the different methods and techniques for prototyping ideas and test the underlying assumptions of those ideas. You will also learn about the three primary uses of prototyping: learning, validation, and communication.

Module 6:

Overcoming Resistance to New Ideas and Change

New ideas frequently encounter resistance, which often comes from the very people your offering is meant to help. This module illustrates the principles of friction theory to help you recognize and address sources of resistance along the customer journey.

Module 7:

Nontraditional Domains for Design Thinking

After identifying various domains wherein design thinking is making a significant impact, you will explore trends and developments in the field and discuss innovative applications in areas such as biotechnology, venture capital, and more.

Module 8:

Designing Communication that Moves People

Methods of communication can be as varied as the idea itself. Use creative techniques such as visualization and storytelling to bring your ideas to life and overcome resistance to new ideas.

Module 1:

Introduction to Design Thinking

Survey the fundamentals of design thinking and learn how they apply to solving business problems. You will also learn why design thinking offers a lasting competitive advantage.

Module 5:

Making Ideas Real

Prototyping can serve as a powerful tool during the design process. Evaluate the different methods and techniques for prototyping ideas and test the underlying assumptions of those ideas. You will also learn about the three primary uses of prototyping: learning, validation, and communication.

Module 2:

The Power of Why

User and stakeholder input is vital to the design process. Learn how to leverage the JTBD method of interviewing to dig deeper into the functional, social, and emotional needs of people.

Module 6:

Overcoming Resistance to New Ideas and Change

New ideas frequently encounter resistance, which often comes from the very people your offering is meant to help. This module illustrates the principles of friction theory to help you recognize and address sources of resistance along the customer journey.

Module 3:

Translating Observations to Insights

Discover how to transform observations and insights into business opportunities through the process of synthesis. In addition, you will understand how reframing a question can lead to deeper insights and innovative solutions.

Module 7:

Nontraditional Domains for Design Thinking

After identifying various domains wherein design thinking is making a significant impact, you will explore trends and developments in the field and discuss innovative applications in areas such as biotechnology, venture capital, and more.

Module 4:

Reframing Opportunities and Generating Ideas

Generate ideas using insights captured during synthesis. You will have the opportunity to practice techniques such as group brainstorming, ideation, and insight analysis during the design process.

Module 8:

Designing Communication that Moves People

Methods of communication can be as varied as the idea itself. Use creative techniques such as visualization and storytelling to bring your ideas to life and overcome resistance to new ideas.

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Industry Examples

Each week's lesson will feature one or more industry examples, giving you the opportunity to examine how design thinking has been successfully integrated into organizations across a wide variety of markets. See unique applications from brands such as:

Air New Zealand

See how executives embraced the power of prototyping to create a more comfortable in-flight experience.


Learn how Airbnb tested their offer quickly and cheaply by creating simple prototypes with just enough fidelity to communicate the company’s ideas.


Understand how this innovative start-up removed the forces of friction to simplify the process of buying and selling a home.


Learn how Cisco successfully reimagined its virtual telepresence facilities.

Eli Lilly and Company

Discover how insects provided unexpected inspiration for administering medications.

Logo for General Electric

General Electric

Explore how the company designed a pirate ship adventure to calm and engage children undergoing MRI procedures.

Note: All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Their use does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.


I can tell that I experienced this program exactly as it was intended. My eyes were opened to the potential and power of human-centered design along the journey.

— Rachel Ellis, Marketing Communication Coordination, Tom Ford Beauty

The best parts of the Kellogg Design Thinking program were interacting with my peers and instructors, receiving their feedback, and being able to self-pace the learning.

— Sara McAninch, Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Manager, Central Quality, Cummins Inc.

Program Faculty

Faculty Member David Schonthal

David Schonthal

Clinical Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Kellogg School of Management; Designer, IDEO

David Schonthal is a Clinical Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, where he teaches courses in new venture creation, design thinking, business acquisition, healthcare entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, and creativity... More info



Upon successful completion of the program, Kellogg Executive Education grants a verified digital certificate of completion to participants. This program is graded as pass or fail; participants must receive 80% to pass and obtain the certificate of completion.

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After successful completion of the program, your verified digital certificate will be emailed to you in the name you used when registering for the program. All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion of Kellogg Executive Education

Note: This online certificate program does not grant academic credit or a degree from Kellogg School of Management.


  • How do I know if this program is right for me?

    After reviewing the information on the program landing page, we recommend you submit the short form above to gain access to the program brochure, which includes more in-depth information. If you still have questions on whether this program is a good fit for you, please email, and a dedicated program advisor will follow-up with you very shortly.

    Are there any prerequisites for this program?

    Some programs do have prerequisites, particularly the more technical ones. This information will be noted on the program landing page, as well as in the program brochure. If you are uncertain about program prerequisites and your capabilities, please email us at the ID mentioned above.

    Note that, unless otherwise stated on the program web page, all programs are taught in English and proficiency in English is required.

    What is the typical class profile?

    More than 50 percent of our participants are from outside the United States. Class profiles vary from one cohort to the next, but, generally, our online certificates draw a highly diverse audience in terms of professional experience, industry, and geography — leading to a very rich peer learning and networking experience.

    What other dates will this program be offered in the future?

    Check back to this program web page or email us to inquire if future program dates or the timeline for future offerings have been confirmed yet.

  • How much time is required each week?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page.

    How will my time be spent?

    We have designed this program to fit into your current working life as efficiently as possible. Time will be spent among a variety of activities including:

    • Engaging with recorded video lectures from faculty
    • Attending webinars and office hours, as per the specific program schedule
    • Reading or engaging with examples of core topics
    • Completing knowledge checks/quizzes and required activities
    • Engaging in moderated discussion groups with your peers
    • Completing your final project, if required

    The program is designed to be highly interactive while also allowing time for self-reflection and to demonstrate an understanding of the core topics through various active learning exercises. Please email us if you need further clarification on program activities.

    What is it like to learn online with the learning collaborator, Emeritus?

    More than 300,000 learners across 200 countries have chosen to advance their skills with Emeritus and its educational learning partners. In fact, 90 percent of the respondents of a recent survey across all our programs said that their learning outcomes were met or exceeded.

    All the contents of the course would be made available to students at the commencement of the course. However, to ensure the program delivers the desired learning outcomes the students may appoint Emeritus to manage the delivery of the program in a cohort-based manner the cost of which is already included in the overall course fee of the course.

    A dedicated program support team is available 24/5 (Monday to Friday) to answer questions about the learning platform, technical issues, or anything else that may affect your learning experience.

    How do I interact with other program participants?

    Peer learning adds substantially to the overall learning experience and is an important part of the program. You can connect and communicate with other participants through our learning platform.

  • What are the requirements to earn the certificate?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week, so you can gauge what will be required before you enroll. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page. All programs are designed to fit into your working life.

    This program is scored as a pass or no-pass; participants must complete the required activities to pass and obtain the certificate of completion. Some programs include a final project submission or other assignments to obtain passing status. This information will be noted in the program brochure. Please email us if you need further clarification on any specific program requirements.

    What type of certificate will I receive?

    Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a smart digital certificate. The smart digital certificate can be shared with friends, family, schools, or potential employers. You can use it on your cover letter, resume, and/or display it on your LinkedIn profile.
    The digital certificate will be sent approximately two weeks after the program, once grading is complete.

    Can I get the hard copy of the certificate?

    No, only verified digital certificates will be issued upon successful completion. This allows you to share your credentials on social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

    Do I receive alumni status after completing this program?

    No, there is no alumni status granted for this program. In some cases, there are credits that count toward a higher level of certification. This information will be clearly noted in the program brochure.

    How long will I have access to the learning materials?

    You will have access to the online learning platform and all the videos and program materials for 12 months following the program start date. Access to the learning platform is restricted to registered participants per the terms of agreement.

  • What equipment or technical requirements are there for this program?

    Participants will need the latest version of their preferred browser to access the learning platform. In addition, Microsoft Office and a PDF viewer are required to access documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, and transcripts.

    Do I need to be online to access the program content?

    Yes, the learning platform is accessed via the internet, and video content is not available for download. However, you can download files of video transcripts, assignment templates, readings, etc. For maximum flexibility, you can access program content from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

    Video lectures must be streamed via the internet, and any livestream webinars and office hours will require an internet connection. However, these sessions are always recorded, so you may view them later.

  • Can I still register if the registration deadline has passed?

    Yes, you can register up until seven days past the published start date of the program without missing any of the core program material or learnings.

    What is the program fee, and what forms of payment do you accept?

    The program fee is noted at the top of this program web page and usually referenced in the program brochure as well.

    • Flexible payment options are available (see details below as well as at the top of this program web page next to FEE).
    • Tuition assistance is available for participants who qualify. Please email

    What if I don’t have a credit card? Is there another method of payment accepted?

    Yes, you can do the bank remittance in the program currency via wire transfer or debit card. Please contact your program advisor, or email us for details.

    I was not able to use the discount code provided. Can you help?

    Yes! Please email us with the details of the program you are interested in, and we will assist you.

    How can I obtain an invoice for payment?

    Please email us your invoicing requirements and the specific program you’re interested in enrolling in.

    Is there an option to make flexible payments for this program?

    Yes, the flexible payment option allows a participant to pay the program fee in installments. This option is made available on the payment page and should be selected before submitting the payment.

    How can I obtain a W9 form?

    Please connect with us via email for assistance.

    Who will be collecting the payment for the program?

    Emeritus collects all program payments, provides learner enrollment and program support, and manages learning platform services.

    Are there any restrictions on the types of funding that can be used to pay for the program?

    Program fees for Emeritus programs with Kellogg Executive Education may not be paid for with (a) funds from the GI Bill, the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Act of 2008, or similar types of military education funding benefits or (b) Title IV financial aid funds.

  • What is the program refund and deferral policy?

    For the program refund and deferral policy, please click the link here.

Financing Options

Climb Credit*

We offer financing options with our partner, Climb Credit*. Click here to learn more.
*Applicable for US Residents

Flexible Payment Options For All

Flexible payment options allow you to pay the program fee in installments. Click here to see payment schedule.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Write to us at or Schedule a call with one of our Program Advisors or call us at +1 315 502 3308 (US) / +44 128 291 1923 (UK) / +65 3129 4131 (SG)

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Early registrations are encouraged. Seats fill up quickly!

Flexible payment options available. Learn more.